
Gorgeous shot! I'd love to sip some hot chocolate and play some Risk in there. Resteemed!

Ooh I'll join in!

Were you invited?

haha i second that

Haha same! And thank you :)

Lovely colour and subject!

Hey thank you, i really lucked out on the lighting

Wowweee. I want to live there..for a few days. Maybe years. Awesome photo!

Me too, thank you!

So stunning man. That hint of orange is gorgeous!

Thanks Nathan, I really lucked out on the orange glow!

i scrolled and missed the upper part of the photo, and i like it more that way :) great photo.

Thank you, I appreciate the love.

I thought I was looking at 2 separate images to start with, this is unreal.

thanks so much!!!

Wow this is serene !

It really was!

Beautiful image! Hopefully it's abandoned! Hah.

haha thanks!

Are you kidding! This is so so sick!

Thanks man, I really really appreciate it!

Ha so good @isaiahphoto! Such a random little place stuck in the middle of nowhere. Thanks for sharing. Iceland looks like an amazing country to visit :)

It really is an amazing place to visit! Thank you for your kind words :).

Iceland is such a fairy tale! It is a must to see that beautiful country and your photo is a nice one. I also give some travel recommendations. Here you can find my tips about Marburg, Germany:

Thanks for the traveling tips! I am always in need of tips on new locations.