Norwegian Landscapes - Waterfall without a name...

in #photofeed2 years ago

Hi Friends!

I am just preparing a pack of shots for incoming video from my first outdoor trip after I reached Norway over a 1,5 month ago...

A waterfall without a name - in fact - I couldn't find any name of this one even on very detailed maps.

The river is called Sagelva and is flowing down to Jonsvatnet lake near Trondheim.


History - I was visiting the place few times in the past - once in winter, once in autumn - it was looking nice, but it is situated in a deep, narrow gorge - hard to access and hard to photograph.


I had to slide down the steep wall, took off my shoes and got into the cold water to get a better view on the water.
In fact - first moments of this water experience were hard - my bones were burning, the water was really cold, but after few minutes - it became really refreshing - day was sunny and warm so walking in this river was in final super nice experience.




Technical - I tried many different angles, compositions, horizontal, vertical, pano... - but simply - this place is too busy - too much elements everywhere to get some clear composition, and the sunlight didn't helped - creating really strong contrast on the water, wet rocks and forest.

I was struggling a lot to get something interesting in post-processing - I hope the final shots are quite ok - I am not impressed by them, but - this is how it was - hard conditions for photography.

Video soon!




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Very hard conditions to get good shots, but you did well 😎
You really got into the water 😯
Thanks for sharing…

Hi, yes I did, it was a nice weather and it was a great opportunity to cool down a bit, give a rest to my feet and try to find different compositions...
Thanks for the comment!

Very cool 😎
I can imagine cooling down. Here in southern Spain the weather is crazy hot lately… no relief. Hehehe 🤭
You are welcome, have a great day today 👋🏻😊

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Nice work. Congratulations

Thank You :)