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RE: Tidal Sunrise

in #photofeed5 years ago

So beautiful, Kieran! Your gorgeous composition and the way you captured the romance of nature's colours is JUST A M A Z I N G~

I really need to make the effort to go out of Melbourne and see ............. places

lol <3 Love it, Kieran :D


There is lots to see around Melbourne! Even the world class locations around the Great Ocean Road

............ also ONE that i have NOT been !

It's incredible isnt it? I'm probably the worst Melbournian ever XD

.... I have been to .... um, Kangaroo Grounds. That's as far that I've explored outwards....

pls dont take my melbournian badge away :(

I had to look that place up :D

As long as you've been to Melbourne you get to keep your Melbournian badge ;)