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RE: Getting ready for the new babies

Wow you are making a lot of progress fast! You have grow bags, exhaust and a nice tent! I do think you are overwatering though. I left you a nice guide. Just scroll to the overwatering section you'll see what i mean. Your plant is a mild example .... but still you can see the signature yellowing from the center and drooped down leaves when a plant gets too much water.


Thanks for the info. I looked through that guide and it doesn't look like any of the stuff applies to my plant. It may look a bit yellow just because of how I edited the photo. I had a desaturated and warmer look, which affects the greens in the photo.

The leaves are curling a bit too. Bro just be careful trust me lol. Your soil always looks wet. It also effects root development a lot. But like I said you are doing well overall.

actually don't trust me do your own research lol