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RE: Extermination facility S21 - Pol Pot - Cambodia Pt2

in #photography6 years ago

the rest of his career is better known. He obtained a scholarship and went to study at the French School of Radio-Electricity in Paris, from 1949 to 1953.
Upon his arrival in France, he joined the circles of the French Communist Party, where he became familiar with Marxist ideology.
It is on the banks of the Sorbonne that he meets Yeng Sary and Khieu Samphan, with whom he will take the leadership of the Khmer Rouge movement.
It was also at this time that he met Jaques Vergès, the controversial French lawyer, current defender of the Khmer Rouge ideologues in the lawsuit he was brought against them.


Yes, the world is a small place for this kind of people, especially during those years just after the world war II. Thank you for bringing additional info about Pol Pot.