Hive Philippines Street Photography #794 - by Allmonitors

in #photographylast month

#794 - Colorful street scenes for Thursday.

A wonderful evening to you all fellow Hiveans. I am still sleepless for for several days night after I started graveyard shifts. It's hard to cope with day time sleep, I barely got four hours most of the time😅 which is definitely not enough. I will be on night shift the whole month while my wife is working at night for the entire year. I told her to look for other opportunities outside the company where she can work in normal hours but until now she still continue, seems she love what she's doing. However, I keep reminding her that we are not getting younger and we need to keep our health our first priority so she keeps going to the gym every other afternoon to exercise while I only spend time walking in the river to save money without shelling cash for gym membership 😄.

Anyways, let's move to our daily shots. First we got here are a man and a woman walking and going to cross the street almost simultaneously. The man looks for the incoming traffic while the woman figured I was taking photos while also closing the distance with the man who was ahead with only a foot of distance.

We got here pedestrians and also a motorcycle rider who are crossing the street as a group. The vehicle traffic was slow so they managed to cross the street halfway.

Another motorcycle rider and this time the rider is making a left turn and making sure to look ahead just to be safe that the street is clear as he pumps the gas while leaning his body to the left just a bit to compensate the turn.

Follow the leader. We can see there's three people walking in the street right at the pedestrian path. The wife is ahead then followed by her husband who is holding on to their young one then there's another woman which could be a mother of any of the young parents. Carrying a baby this small is scary for me because it seems they are still fragile in this state, I could recall when I had this experience years back.

Follow me on my street travels.
Shot taken in Baguio City, Philippines.

Image/s were shot using Panasonic Lumix ZS110. ~rex