Wanderlust - Portrait Photography

in #photography7 years ago (edited)



On a cloudy morning Karyn and I decide we need a little bit of adventure. We hop in her car, hit the road, and turn up the music. Karyn loves to drive and the back roads of New York State are a scenic playground. I think she feels really free when she is behind the wheel. No worries and endless possibility.


Karyn makes the perfect model. She's eager and up for anything; including exploring overgrown, abandoned farm land where we shot these photos.


A strong and beautiful being, Karyn is always fighting for what she wants.


Laughter is never far when we spend time together. I'm thankful for the warm memories and many little adventures we've shared.


One day again soon we will share another musical car journey, and impromptu photo shoots.


I can't wait to share more portraits of my beautiful friends and their stories with the world. Thanks for taking a look! Please Upvote, Resteem, and Follow!

Much Love! <3

All photographs are original to Awen Nuin.