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RE: Photochain Photography Contest - Chasing the sun

in #photography β€’ 6 years ago

I think you had double luck πŸ˜‰
For one thing, you were lucky enough to get a really extraordinary colorful photo shoot πŸ‘ŒAll the different orange shades .... uniquely.... so beautiful!

and second, that no police were around to give you a ticket πŸ˜…

I believe we all here in the community .... know such moments .... I call it moments of happiness 🌞🎨🎢

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You are absolutely right! There was no police and it's really lucky moment for me 8)
And thank you! Glad you like my work 8)

I really like your photos ... your work πŸ™‚
I send you good thoughts and happiness ... so that luck stays with you πŸ€—πŸ€πŸ˜‰β˜―οΈ

I really like your photos ... your work πŸ™‚
I send you good thoughts and happiness ... so that luck stays with you πŸ€—πŸ€πŸ˜‰β˜―οΈ