Creatur from the depths, or ...

in #photography2 years ago (edited)

The creatures of the world are diverse and not always obvious what kind they are. Some are so unfamiliar that it cannot be seen if they are coming from the firmament of our world, beyond this world, or from the depths of the sea, or the depths of the soul.

I do not know where this creature came from, and let that question pass by. However, it rises from the depths, even though that does not say where it came from, where it is going or what it is or wants in our existence. But I'm not at ease that it seems to be heading towards me.

Blómið útskorið MIX-HDR-2.jpg


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A sleeping monster before unleashing all the powers hidden in the curled bud.

Welcome back Bragi :)

@tipu curate 2

Yes, something like that. A creature from a dark, hidden, unknown place be it out or inside.

At least that's what I was thinking about when I took a photo of simple innocent flower and turned it into this.

Thanks, I'm getting a little better, but there is always some new and new illness hunting me and nobody understands way because usually no cause for it can be found.

But this time the illness was found in May and sins then I should have been in a hospital but I refused and a friend of mine has helpt me get along at home because María is this sumer working in Kassel, Germany at the Bienal art festival so I had to take care of this my self.

It was/is a bacteria infection in one of my lungs, the size of a tennis ball, yes, it was really serious. But the therapy got it quickly down to a golfball size and now I'm hoping that it will mostly be gone in 2 weeks. But it will take some mount to get over it and my strength back.

But at the same time, the other illness that no explanation has been found for is slowly getting better so I believe that maybe even in 2 years' time I will get my health back, at least enough so I can do the things I want to do.

But when you are sick like this and cant move around so much and sitting by the computer is the best position, beter than lying or standing, I can at least do some computer work and slowly start working on my photos/digital drawings again. So if all works well and I get better and better, you will probably see more of my and my work. At least I hope so.

And for you people in Portugal, my former 17 years daughter came out of the closet as neither girl nor boy, but in between neuter gender and changed its name from Una Guðbjörg Bragadóttir to Una Theodor Braga.

It wanted to get rid of the dóttir ending (Bragadóttir in Icelandic means daughter of Bragi) and I pounted out that in Portugal you got the name Braga, and world-famous people like Sonya Braga and Brannon Braga ber that name and it liked the ide, just shorten the name from Bragadóttir to Braga.

It found it cool and the Icelandic name comity (yes we have one like that) agreed it could use that name. So now it's not only me that has to go visit the city of Braga in Portugal but it also :)

Oh wow! At least you finally know what it is and it can be treated. Not knowing what it is is probably equally tiring as being sick. Really glad you are ok :)

Yes please pop in more if you can :)
Pass hugs to Maria from us we well!

hmm little shop of horrors ... comes to mind ..

And the mouth would look like? Maybe like Alien, another strange flowercreature bursting out of it, and another, and another until you can feel the smell of its breath as you stare it straight in the eyes. And it would smell like ...?

fresh coffee ?

Well, that's the question, who will know that and be alive to tell?

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