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RE: Will Prune for Plum Blossoms

I have definitely struggled with balancing online and offline life. Now that I have babies though, they tend to make those decisions for me, and I am ok with that. But I wasn't always; letting go can be challenging, but necessary. I'm not recommending having children to find balance because boy, oh boy can they shake things up! Now I spend my days with my kids and my nights online. Although, I might sneak online a little while they nap. -Aimee


Noted: no children. I probably shouldn't are juggling so much more being a mama! Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this matter. I guess we're all trying in our own ways. Susun Weed said in a podcast to stop looking for balance because we'll never find it - perhaps acceptance is the better option :).

Life is always a juggling act, it's just the "balls" look different from person to person. Mmm... The word acceptance has popped up a lot in my life lately and I am starting to think there is something to it. I feel a lot happier when I accept the moment I am instead of trying to fight it. -Aimee