~ 8 Mycological Macro Captures ~
It's been far too long since I have participated in #FungiFriday! I have only seen one real Mushroom so far this season. I may share it next week. I had fun today going through some of my favorite shots of the magical Mushroom Kingdom. I hope you enjoy my mycological captures of beauty!
I took all of these with my really old and really cheap point & shoot camera. That should encourage you to go out and try to capture some beauty of your own experience no matter what you are working with!
More than likely your phone has better capabilities than my options. Go out and capture some beauty of your own. Share your shots here in the comments if you are motivated and inspired enough! I want to see what beauty around you that you can capture.
I appreciate you stopping by to see what there is to see
remember my fellow Steemians
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@photocircle Team
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I like that purple mushroom. So neat! Those little drops of water hanging off the bottom of the mushroom in the last photo is cool but the tiny bug hanging upside down makes that one my favorite out of the bunch.
Good photos!