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RE: Color Drops / Farbtropfen

in #photography4 years ago

Stunning photography @johannpiber! Your two days of working on this project pays off in beautiful photos.

I agree with you and @bashadow, this is my favourite picture too.

I always wanted to try to photograph droplets, but don't have any macro lens.

You deserve a large !BEER and probably you need some !COFFEEA too.
Have a great evening @johannpiber


Thank you very much my friend - I'm so glad I could save some of the photos including this one, which I have seen so many times when I edited it, but just a few words helped to see it completely different 🙂

I don't think you need a macro lens to try it. Of course, if you want to have the droplets very big on the photo a macro lens is quite handy to have, but I think more important is a good system to let the drops fall constantly and as fast as you want. Therefore my cheap 90-cent-infusion-system is not really the best ;)

A hot morning !COFFEEA is very important for me to wake up, but later on a cold !BEER would be nice to have 😉

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