
Hi, @chrislybear thanks for following me I have returned the favour, If you are looking to get more out of your posts I would suggest adding a bit more to them, info of where and when taken, if there is a story or reason behind the shot and use more #tags to open up your audience, gems and monochromes are great communities. When I first joined I was using the platform in a similar way to how I use Instagram just as a place to post my photos with very little return once I started adding a bit more to my posts I found my upvotes improved and my standing also. Still learning all the time but slowly getting more successful. Be safe @biggypauls

Glad you told me! Going to try this! :)

No worries I got a lot of help from the community recently so doing the same seems the right thing to do. Also found upvoting and rebloging helps a lot also what we are doing here ie engaging with other members helps to improve our rating. I'm not a social media kind of person really but have learn't that a little bit of all helps you progress quicker, cheers dude be safe in these shitty times.

Thank You! I will try my best to engange with the community!

You too stay healthy and save :)