Sunset at Seaside

in #photography4 years ago

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I recently wrote a post on Terrible Tilly, the lighthouse just off the coast from Tillamook Head in Oregon (you can see it here ). In the process of working on it I edited a few photos that had a bit more color than was welcome in the #blackandwhite community so I reckon I will pick up where I left off with those. The landmass on the left of the photo above is Tillamook Head and if you look just to the right of the lens flare at its base you will see a tiny speck on the horizon, that's Terrible Tilly and the tiny island it's built upon.

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All these photos are from the beach at Seaside, Oregon, which is just north of Tillamook Head. Seaside was my first stop after crossing the Columbia River into Oregon (Astoria is the first town you come to but I backtracked from Seaside to visit it) and I liked it so much that my 2-day stay turned into a full week there. It's hard to beat a hostel that's $20 a night with pancakes in the morning :D

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Ok, so I lied just a bit, this photo is looking north toward Tillamook Head from Ecola State Park, just north of Cannon Beach. I could have spent a month instead of a week wandering around these parts and still not manage to take all the photos I want. My only complaint was that along with being pretty, the water of the Pacific was also pretty damn cold. All but the photo above are from my first night in Seaside, I'd went out on the sand barefoot to catch the sunset and while I was doing that my feet caught the cold good enough it took and hour and a half to get feeling back into them afterwards.

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I've spent way more time by the Atlantic Ocean than I have the Pacific but there's just something about watching the sun set into the water that the Atlantic just can't compete with (at least on this continent). So what's y'alls favorite place to watch the sun slide below the horizon?


I'm from Long Beach. I know that sunset well. I'd only miss about two sunsets a week at the most. If I was home, I peddled to the sand for sunset. It was always packed.

I got some pictures but they're shit compared to yours. There's a word to describe that last one, I just don't know what it is.

I'm jealous. To steal from the lyrics of song about home, 'where the sun comes up about 10 in the morning and the sun goes down about three in the day' is only a mild exaggeration this time of year. Plus with all the ridges so close together it's hard to find a place with a long enough line of sight to get a nice wide vista like that.

You keep this up and you will talk me into going to California in spite of their gun laws.

Shooooot. I was none the wiser so Ca regs are just normal to me. Working around the country you see it's a Ca thing. But dude we've traveled around the world and they can't even have knives! Ca ain't that bad in comparison to them.

I ain't been to those other places either! Lol, I know what you mean though, England and I really wouldn't get along, the knives I had in grade school would be illegal there. I have a friend that until recently split his time between Louisville and Berkeley, before covid we'd get together for breakfast most Saturday mornings he was in town and among other things compare the crazy shit that goes down in each state. Apparently it is not the norm out there for the jesus freaks to line up and harass every woman going into the abortion clinics...I guess Cali ain't all bad :)

Oh dude don't get me started on that one. I got no uterus and I wanna strangle the people who do that. I don't even like being judged for tattoos but people protesting and telling me what to do with my body would infuriate me.

Yeah, protests at the choice clinic piss me off.

Berkeley is unique dude. It's not like anywhere else, it's in Ca, you ever been? They're a whole different state. Very liberal there, like very-very, the free love type, do as you wish just be cool about it type.

Was your friend studying, that why they were there?

Pura grew up right across The Bay from Berkeley in Novato, even went to Mt. Tam high school--same one Tupac graduated from.

I imagine we could both carry on about that one for a long time, my friend and I are both escorts at the clinic here. Nah, he works for the university, admin side rather than as a prof. I had a professor at U of L who had led the first teach-in at the university back in the 60s, had him for a class on the 'Vietnam War' as well as one on antiwar movements. Interesting cat with a hell of a lot of stories to tell.

I know a dude like that in Louisville.

Manually curated by blacklux 💡Hurricane Rider 🌪 from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!