The Perfect Shot - Photographing My Indian Rescue Dogs

in #photography3 years ago (edited)

Dogs, I absolutely love them. I spent a year in India studying the behaviour of stray dogs and for my troubles I managed to bring two of them hoe with me. Meet Bella and Mr Sulley. Wild, fast and intelligent. Ye dinnae want to leave your dinner near theses two. I've lost many a meals when my attention is thin.

I set out a long time ago with the goal of capturing the ultimate portrait of both dogs, alone and together. I shoot exclusively on manual cameras and lenses, as a film maker it is my preferred choice and photography is just a side game for my film work. For those of you that are not familiar with photography, auto focus is basically a must when shooting wildlife, however I am in love with the out of focus moments I capture when trying to obtain good focus, for example in this image above of Mr Sulley.

Ahhhh, the attack. Mr Sulley never saw it coming. His eyes focused on movement in the bush, I peaked my camera between his legs and caught the on-coming Bella in full flight.

This isn't really part of the package, but it was taking in India not long after Mr Sulley was rescued. Interestingly it has sold on Shutterstock quite a bit, being used in both Turkey and Syria for animal protection campaigns. And yes, I made a killing, about $3 to be exact.

Bella can do quite the Meercat impression, don't you agree?

Like a fine-tuned Ferrari, Mr Sulley halts at full speed and drifts in the mud before charging back up the track towards Bella.

That's a tight squeeze! I hope to tell you their full story over the coming weeks. They really are beautiful dogs and I would always recommend looking at rescuing or re-homing a dog before buying a puppy. There is nothing quite like giving a hopeless soul their forever home and watching them learn what love and compassion is, and how to trust again.

Also look out for part II of this thread as I share more images of these beasts on my journey for the perfect shot.

Have a nice day,


I think the animals in any photo are perfect)
Very nice!
you did a good job) cool)