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RE: Sunrise Over a Frozen Lake

in #photography6 years ago (edited)

There is no fog this time. It feels like seeing the world waking up, cleaning away the dust and turning on the lights to let the flow of time start yet again. Rev up and to the horizon!

My absolute favorite from this set is the first one. The landscape mode allows us to see a panoramic view of the forest line, the sweet pink and yellow sunrise comes through the pines left and right that add so much to the composition with their closeness and detail.

I was also surprised to see how much blue there is on the snow given that the main source of light is yellow hahaha, but then I remembered that from 45 degrees and above and behind you everything was still blue.

These pictures of yours, you capture such beautiful moments. It fills me up with desire to leave this clunky square of concrete I call home and run somewhere nice to experience the beauty of the world. I'm not able to yet, though. The future shall bring better things for all of us.

Thank you for sharing all of this, Eve. Your pictures are inspirational and sublime.