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RE: (deleted)

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

You are a real observer. People who appreciate natural wonders tend to be, and I like that in anyone.

I like that you captured the beauty of a place that, kind of like Arizona, takes a lot of crap from people who visit it and don't like it. I am of the mind that, while I do not want live just anywhere, beauty can be found anywhere. And the greater my capacity for appreciation, the greater the likelihood I can enjoy myself in my surroundings. Regardless of nature, climate, etc.

These photos--your art-- made me want to visit a place I have never been. And I love when I have that desire about any place. The desire to explore it. :)


Thank you, thank you!! :D

If you ever plan a trip out that way, let me know. I'll hook ya up with the right spots and people. :)