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RE: I've Only Just Begun

in #photography5 years ago

It depends honestly. There are different forms of poetry such as a haiku, that follow exact rules. See here

The kind of poetry I write is actually very simple in that it can be something I am feeling, that sensitivity that you talk about or it can be something I perceive, knowing how it feels and describing what I think it feels like. There are no real rules to respect as far as I am concerned except for one: It must flow somehow.

If it is prose, it is more like me talking to you, discussing something, so much like a ramble. See here

I personally like prose, it gives me the freedom I need! :) I hope this helps in some way. If not, come back and readdress it to me. I don't mind!


In fact, I know what poetry is. I wanted to see how you perceived it. You perceive it correctly and you write beautiful and sensual poems ... a bit of exaltation, but I know you know that.

Yes... sometimes over the top! Yes! But, they come from the heart, so, I guess that will be okay.

I'm sure of this!

I can't believe I just voted myself! Oh my God. I need to pay more attention.

It happened to me but it resolves, you vote again and delete ...