Frequencies in Nature

in #photographylast month

Hey dear community, first of all I would like to welcome you all to my new contribution and hope you had a day full of interesting experiences! In this article, I would like to discuss frequencies and hope you are able to expand your knowledge.


People are constantly surrounded by frequencies and already the inventor Nikola Tesla (1856 - 1943) once wrote the well-known quote "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration." The earth also vibrates in a frequency of 7.83 Hz and this also bears the name Schuhmann resonance and can be traced back to German physicist Winfried Otto Schumann (1888 - 1974) who had found out that this frequency is produced at the Earth's circumference and this frequency is also of great importance for the well-being of people. Everywhere in nature you will find different types of frequencies and a good example is when you walk through the forest and hear certain animals or pass a rushing stream and there is no moment in which you are not surrounded by frequencies and even during the night people hear different vibrations. Everything in nature is in constant motion and generates an own vibration and for humans as receivers often not all frequencies are perceptible and on average people can only hear frequencies between 16 Hz and 20000 Hz and everything else still shows effects, even if people do not perceive them and every frequency has different effects on the human brain. Frequencies can influence the well-being of people and so it was already assumed in ancient cultures that the singing of a blackbird can put people in a trance-like state and when you are in nature you will quickly notice how the interplay of the different frequencies can produce its own effects and influence the brain waves of humans and the most living things in nature are transmitters and receivers for frequencies at the same time and also communicate through vibrations. Plants also react to frequencies and with some plants it was discovered that some plants react to the vibrations of bees and this has the consequence that the production of sugar is increased and in the past I have already gone into more detail about how plants react to frequencies and if you want to learn more about this interesting topic I can recommend this article from me here. Many natural frequencies usually have harmonious properties and can stimulate the brain in many ways or unfold the hidden forces and much of this usually happens so subliminally that people do not notice it and even if someone hear certain sounds, people do not pay attention to what effect they produce and especially the interaction is of great relevance and it can be highly recommended the next time you are in nature to pay attention to the different vibrations.


Thanks a lot for stopping by and I hope you could learn something new about this exciting topic! I captured these pictures with my Camera Sony Alpha 6000 plus 55-210 mm lens.