Psychological effects of Gold and Silver

in #photographylast month (edited)

Hey dear community, first of all I would like to welcome you all to my new post and hope you have a weekend that has been full of positive experiences! In this post, I would like to talk a little about a psychological topic and hope you can learn new things.

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In the past, I have already gone into the psychological effect of colors and thought it is also interesting to go a little closer to the effect of gold and silver, which according to heraldry are not seen as their own color but metals, but there are also interpretations that it are own shades and to visualize the topic better, I have taken pictures of coins as well as the mineral pyrite. Gold is also often associated with the color yellow and when you see gold, people usually think of the precious metal and through the glamorous charisma, golden objects suggest that it would be something noble, valuable or magnificent. Often gold is also associated with the effect of the sun and people are particularly attracted to this shade which also creates a supernatural effect and when other colors can be seen, they are usually displaced by the gold because this has a much stronger effect on the psyche and makes other colors look pale. Gold has a strong attraction and also evokes a feeling that is somewhat expensive, powerful or even divine and in this context the effect of gold on others is also interesting and when you wear a golden object like a chain, this often looks pretentious and subliminal, a feeling of greed and envy is also created. Similar to the color white, silver is seen as a pure color and has similar properties to gray, but it creates an additional effect due to the shiny appearance and creates a neutral or serious effect. In the eye of the beholder, silver creates a feeling that something look modern or innovative and therefore technology manufacturers often make use of this color, but is rather considered a cool color which also often creates a feeling of uncertainty and if other colors can also be seen in addition, this is the opposite than with gold and the other colors come into their own while silver moves into the background. Compared to gold, silver generally looks much quieter and not so magnificent and it can create a feeling of harmony and I find the effect on the psyche very interesting and gold and silver is linked to the precious metals by the most people. In this article, I would like to specifically address the charisma and not the effect of the precious metals, which have a completely different effect on the psyche and in the past, I have also written a post about the psychological effect of money and if you want to learn more about it, you will find my contribution here.


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Thank you for the visit and I hope you could learn something new about psychology! I captured these pictures with my Camera Sony Alpha 6000 plus 55-210 mm lens.


People who had hoarded gold and silver are very happy now that their prices are rising.

That’s true, but this article should be more about the psychological aspects behind color perception.

Yeah you are right.