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RE: Morning Sunrise - 19 August 2018 (Original Video/Photos)

in #photography6 years ago

Yes, I have tried time lapsing the sunrises in older post. What I discovered when doing so was that the colors never came out right. The photos/video come out a little grainy too.
I have found that by taking stills of the sunrise, I come out with much better photos.
That is not to say that possibly in the future I will do another time lapse of the sunrise.

Have a great week!
Steem on,


Really beautiful pictures displayed
I like to see it.
Allow me to save it, huh!

Posted using Partiko Android

All my photos and videos are free to use as long as you keep the "etcmike" moniker on the photo.

I am honored you want to save it!

Have a great week!
Steem on,

Thanks etcmike, because I like the collection of images related to nature

Posted using Partiko Android

Awww that's sad to hear. But Keep it up sir, I really love seeing all different photos of the sunrise! It helps me relax.
Cheers! :)

If the conditions are right, I will experiment with a time lapse video of the sunrise.

I will experiment doing a time lapse and slow-motion video of a few other subjects first.

Have a great week!
Steem on,