Lavender Scenery

in #photography2 years ago


While you might look at these and think I need to learn how to correct the white balance, you might be interested to know that this is actually what it looked like outside when I took these images.

There are from way back in 2018 but it looked very similar this morning so I dug out these photos since I’m at work and could only peep out from the little shop windows. Luckily my brain still works the same and I seached for ”lav” for lavender and TADAA Lav1-6.jpg were found. I got lucky really, these days I try to put in full words and several of them so I can better locate photos I need.

I recall my camera being very confuced by this colour and trying to neutralise it (I always have my white balance on AUTO but I shoot RAW) and I had to tell the camera that no, you are wrong, it is some weird nuclear winter out here and this lavender shade is real.

Can anyone tell me what causes this grey-ish lavender colour? I think it’s quite odd and it’s not something you see that often. Could it be that in sunny weather this would be a gorgeous pink sunrise/sunset and the heavy cloud coverage just filters and softens it to this lavender shade that is very uniform even in the sky.

Let me know if you are any wiser or have a more imaginative theory for this phenomenon!






That's interesting that it was actually that colour...I mean it must have something to do with light refraction, but I tried looking it up and found this

Depending upon how long you and your cousin were outdoors, the perception that, "all the light is purple" may be a preliminary indication of mild snow-blindness... or photokeratitis. Essentially it is a sun burn of your corneas.

It's very pretty nonetheless, gives a whole new meaning to rose tinted glasses 😁

Hahaha well I’ll be damned, maybe it was my eyes then and I just told the camera that this is how I see it so it’s facts! 😂

Could be 🤣, I think that it's very pretty like that either way, but I hope it didn't cause you any long term damage.

Is there any way we can pin atmospheric peculiarities on Putin?

My internet has also been acting up so why the hell not, let’s just blame him for everything 😝

Damm that pink color in the ambient is very rare...I'd be too surprised to see that in person, I'd think I'm crazy haha

Might be dust from Sahara. When atmosphere is full of sand particles it turns the sky orange and changes lighting. Sun shines on the sand clouds and this penetrates through the low clouds you have there, creating this interesting coloscheme. Might be other reasons too tho...

That’s interesting. Can the dust really travel this far up north to have an effect?

Yeah, it can travel great distances with bigger airmasses. Just early this summer there was another event like this here in Estonia. It was visible how to sky wasn't blue at midday. Instead, it was slightly yellow/gray-ish. It was a direct result of the Sahara dust that was expected to arrive.