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RE: A selfie from above the sky :: Being a Telecomm. Engineer!

in #photography6 years ago

nice view into your life there... and from the towers :P

I'm intruiged, don't you have to go through some training to be a telecom "engineer"? I'm surprised you'd just have to go out there right away and the notice the downside on your first two months on the job...

What exactly was it you had to do up there?

Oh and... get yourself a spell checker please, the post is littered with typos and small errors, so many I couldn't eve begin to point them out, which makes it look like it was written in haste.


Haha... I had broke my laptop and posted it with my mobile. I know too .. Grammer nazi invaded me# i will edit itourmt asap dear! And yes I,was in training period back then!

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