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RE: The Service Station

in #photography3 years ago

I was super excited and then the past couple of days have really shocked me because even though I have $17,000 worth of crypto in just this account alone and then more in the other ones as well as what I have and Diesel pool as well as my trading account....

However when it comes to cashing out there is a huge line of people demanding fees.

I was trying to take out around $800 and change and so far I've only managed to swap The Hive for Bitcoin and then end up paying over $100 in fees trying to cash out with no success.

The absolute nightmare of being locked out of my account and having cash app refuse to return my funds for multiple days, as well as blacklist my account.

Over an eighth of my funds have been disappeared into these fees and feeding a bunch of leeches.

Whatever you do don't use cashapp....


I'm sorry to hear that. I've always gone Hive to Bittrex. Then I can swap for ETH or USDC. Coinbase has been a great off ramp for me.

I've spent about 5 hours working with coinbase and a total of 3 hours on hold with customer service with the first operator hanging up on me and me having to spend another hour and a half to get to another operator.

Absolute nightmare.

And the lack of reliability then insane complexity, as well as the huge fees....

I am seriously rethinking a career in cryptocurrency now. I went from extremely excited a few days ago to extremely bummed and screwed over.

Trying to work with coinbase to get an account. However that is coming with its own nightmare of an issue.