A night dessert with only two ingredients!!

in #photography4 years ago (edited)

Welcome to the most easiest dessert in the world.

Guys, if you are a lazy person or just you are not in the mood to spend so much time baking or whatever, this recipe is for you!

So, you are going to need just two ingredients:

  1. Blueberries.
    You can use whatever fruit you want, in my case I used blueberries because honestly it sticks perfect with the other ingredient.


  1. Chantilly cream
    who does not love chantilly cream? who?!


And, booms! here we go. You only have to put chantilly cream on a cute plate and then put the blueberries. And that's it. You have a delicious and very simple dessert.


Also, you can put some toppings on the dessert. I used chia seeds, because honestly i love chia seeds. But feel free to use chocolate chips, or even syrop if you want a taste even sweeter.



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