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RE: Showers Lake Backpacking Trip

in #photography4 years ago (edited)

No worries!
Yeah, I have heard about the massive fires going on in this area. Smoke is expected to arrive in Estonia next week. This is some serous fine they are charging for going on a hike. Well, winter is coming and wildfires are hopefully dying out soon enough.


Oh wow, is that our smoke?
Yeah, just got back from walking the dog. Stuck to the streets, no trails. That would be one expense dog walk... The weather is getting cooler and we had a sprinkle of rain this morning. Hopefully we'll get a real rainstorm soon. Cheers!

Yes, this is your smoke, arriving to northern Europe, kinda crazy.
Its pretty rainy here. Hoping you will have rains that will extenguish fires you have there.