Dried chilies


Good afternoon friends, on this occasion I of course want to greet you all and I hope you certainly have very extraordinary things to share and of course I am also happy that your health condition is fine because on this occasion I will of course give one of the photos is a photo of a dry girl to friends.

Dried chilies themselves are one type of chili that has of course been dried in the sun and this will last longer because of course if the chilies have been dried they can be stored in various places and also used if necessary. The difference is with chilies which still have their water content which of course will rot quickly. and those are two very different things and on this occasion I will of course share some photos of dried chilies because dried chilies are of course a very good thing, they even contain vitamin C and caratenoids in them, even antioxidants and tattoos are one of them. a substance to kick free claradicals and also increase metabolism in the human body. If we consume it, of course it can burn fat in the body if we consume dried chilies

Those are some things that I can certainly show my friends on this occasion. I hope my friends like what I have to say and see you in the next short time, I will provide other different things.







All This Photo Taken With :

Location PhotoAceh
Camera usedSmartphone


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