Wow, these photos bring back the warm Autumn feeling. Seeing these images I realize how colorless it has become outside - beautiful shots JJ 😊
The !MARLIANS have opened a new !COFFEEA !shop where they sell !BEER only which might become very $trdo 😉
Wow, these photos bring back the warm Autumn feeling. Seeing these images I realize how colorless it has become outside - beautiful shots JJ 😊
The !MARLIANS have opened a new !COFFEEA !shop where they sell !BEER only which might become very $trdo 😉
Thanks my Friend kind of !DERANGED how much it changes from be season to the next with it without !MARLIANS it !BEER
You are much welcome and you are right - you have posted such photos before, but I have completely forgotten how colorful these have been.
That's !DERANGED and I think I am going to ask the !MARLIANS for a !BEER 😉
Trying to think how I can make another !DERANGED sentence featuring!BEER !MARLIANS and !shop lol
It's not easy but if you try hard enough you might find it easy to find such a !DERANGED sentence, because the !MARLIANS are so nice, that they not only have this new !COFFEEA !shop there down the street, they also have a delivery service that delivers the !BEER to your home 😉
That is pretty impressive that !MARLIANS! Shop deliver both !BEER and !COFFEEA times sure have changed and not always in a !DERANGED way
Good morning my friend - it seems you are almost awake and on your way to work, but don't forget to visit the !MARLIANS !shop to buy some !BEER because you will need it for your !DERANGED New Year party tonight 😉
Yes indeed awake and now almost in the city first stop as you suggest yo find the !MARLIANS !shop To check out the !BEER selection without doubt some will be !DERANGED
吃饱了吗?跟我猜拳吧! 石头,剪刀,布~由 @hertz300 小Q 在晴空万里 undefined 给您送来
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Hey @johannpiber, here is a little bit of from @tattoodjay for you. Enjoy it!你好鸭,tattoodjay!
吃饱了吗?跟我猜拳吧! 石头,剪刀,布~由 @yanhan 小萍萍 在艳阳高照 开着巴士 给您送来
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Hey @tattoodjay, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!Thanks a lot for the coffee 🙂
吃饱了吗?跟我猜拳吧! 石头,剪刀,布~由 @annzhao 所长 迎着沙尘暴 骑着飞鸽 给您送来
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Hey @tattoodjay, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!你好鸭,johannpiber!
吃饱了吗?跟我猜拳吧! 石头,剪刀,布~由 @annzhao 所长 迎着暴雨 开着轮船 给您送来
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Hey @johannpiber, here is a little bit of from @tattoodjay for you. Enjoy it!0.40413938 TRDO0.26942625 TRDO curation in 3 Days from Post Created Date!Congratulations @johannpiber, you successfuly trended the post shared by @tattoodjay! @tattoodjay will receive & @johannpiber will get
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