Hello friends!

in #photography6 years ago (edited)

Hello steemit friends!


My incredible friend Kay Clarity told me to sign up so I could share the bits & pieces of my life here with you. So here I am. Except... just a sec. My toddler wants to dance with me.


Ok, I'm back. I imagine, the things I'll share here most with you will be my photography & maybe some of my daily musings being a stay at home mama. And if you're wondering, Liz Lemon was a nickname I was given by a friend. Apparently it's from a movie or something? I'm not even sure! Not many people use it but it was this or LilBit, so I went with this one.


Like many Canadians, I enjoy a good camping trip & long drives or walks with a coffee (good coffee) in hand. I love being in the great outdoors & in another life, I believe I would have been a florist. Perhaps, there's still time. My carpenter husband is the greatest man I know & I'm grateful he puts up with my general lack of knowledge about wood & carpentry. (I'm learning!) We figure one day we will move somewhere hot because it's pretty dang cold here most of the year & that is just no good for anyone.


Photography wise, well... I'm not quite sure what my style is just yet. I love capturing nature but also people. I love greens & warm colors, naturally. I do enjoy a more moody feeling photo... ones that tell stories or encapsulate a real moment.

So, there you have it. A bit about me.

  • Liz Lemon

Hello LilBit, Welcome on steemit, very nice introduction with beatiful pictures, you look so happy with your husband, i wish you the best!

Thanks so much! So you prefer the Lilbit nickname hey? ahaha.... maybe I'll change it to that down the road. Thanks for the love! :)

Welcome to the steemit family. p.s Kay told me to check out your page. Cant wait to check out those photos

I love my girl Kay. Thanks for checking things out! I appreciate the love! :)

Great having you here Liz, you look awesome with your husband and the photos you took it's awesome. =)
Welcome to steemit have fun!

Thanks so much! <3 I appreciate the compliments!!

Wow! Wonderful pictures, Liz! I can't wait to see more. These are really nice! Thanks for sharing. I especially like the bottom one. May I ask where that was taken? It looks like one of the themes I have on my other blogsite. Its not it but looks similar, thats all.

Thanks! The last photo was taken near Revelstoke! :) I'll have to check that out!

Revelstoke... hmmm have to look that one up. Alberta?

I should have said! Sorry! Revelstoke, BC. Suuupper close to Alberta. This was taken when we went to a little "hot spring" (really just a pool in the mountains) when I was pregnant with my first baby. It was a lot of fun & we swam for about 3 hours. The water was nice and warm and it was raining outside, so it made for this glorious view. It was a nice break in our long drive! :)

That sounds wonderful. I have to drive about 11 hours to our camp. So I completely understand the long drives! But its nice to have destination to go and relax and unplug.

For sure! I think if we ever do the drive again, we will go back there! :)

Sounds good!

Welcome! Love the pics!!

Thanks so much! I appreciate the love!

happiness to both of us!

Welcome! I just joined myself in December. I have 2 toddlers. Good luck steeming :)

Thank you! And welcome to you as well!! I have a toddler and a 6 month old! They sure keep us mama's busy hey??

Welcome to steemit. Very beautiful introduction post. steem on!

Thanks smartcoins! I'm loving this community already!! :)

Yeah me too. I am here only two months and had more fun than ever on fb, twitter and so on...

Thats what I've heard!! I'm excited!

Aw, this is just the very very very very best!!!!! Yay!!! Welcome!!!! xxxx!!! Kay :)

ahh!! Thanks for the resteem love!!!! <3

Welcome! looking forward to seeing more from you.

Thanks so much!!

Welcome to SteemIt! :)

Thank you very much! I'm super happy to be here. :)

Hello there! Welcome aboard to Steemit! I hope you'll find this a useful place to share your thoughts and talk about things that interest you!

Wish you a pleasant stay around here! :)

thanks so much! :)

More of those beautiful pictures!

I'll keep them coming! ;)

Welcome to steemit, I love it when other photographers join. Pictures, enough said! Anyways, i found your post through your friend and i am glad i did. I want to invite the both of you to join the MSP/PAL disocrd by clicking HERE. It is a great place to chat with other steemit writers and connect with like mind writers. Hope to see you there. We have so many photographers and canadians, we need you there too!

Thanks so much for the warm welcome. I'll check it out! :)

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thanks! :)