

Not citing the source of photos (images) is plagiarism. Here is a post on why this is bad, and here is how easy it is to find allowed photos.

Creative Commons: If you are posting content under a Creative Commons license, please attribute and link according to the specific license. If you are posting content under CC0 or Public Domain please consider noting that at the end of your post.

Not indicating that the content you copy/paste is not your original work could be seen as plagiarism.

If you are actually the original author, please do reply to let us know!

This is my original post ...actually the source you mentioned is copied my pictures from my instagram profile...look at the name is mentioned above but it misspelled ...but in that picture there is lable on the top ,,if i copied this picture from this blog how i can erase the lable...These photos are old so I don't have similar photo of it but i have photo of my self at the himlayas this place..


Original photo by can compare it now with the source you mentioned..


beautiful picture. The fog adds so much to the image

Those clouds look like cotton candy!