Blue Bunny by Dušan Radović

in #photography6 years ago

[Текст на српском] Remember my nephew Alex? He loves animals very much — dogs, cats, pigeons, and on Wednesday, June 6th, he debuted in the role, no less than — Blue Bunny!

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It was at an event in the grand hall of the Cultural Center in Smederevo, within the play “Respected Children”. Legendary Duško Radović left unforgettable poems for future generations. And probably the one which will be remembered the longest, will be the one of hunter’s woe for the blue bunny…

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Three countries I have crossed,
And three mountains I have roamed,
And three seas I have sailed —
Until I caught him.
Blue bunny,
Funny bunny,
Unique in this world!

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This bunny
Plays piano,
This bunny
Knows to knit,
This bunny
Lunch can cook,
This bunny
House sweeps.
This bunny
Knows to weave,
This bunny
Garden tends,
This bunny
Can stitch, drink,
even French can speak
— understands everything!
Blue bunny,
Funny bunny,
Unique in this world!

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I wanted to give him to you
To keep you,
To stitch for you,
To sew for you,
To count for you,
To knit for you,
To sweep for you,
To cook for you,
To keep you safe,
To sing for you,
Pictures paint
And speak French.
Blue bunny,
Funny bunny,
Unique in this world!

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Put a bunny in my bag
And I rush to my home.
But in front of the house
heard a bunny whisper out:
— Let me, dear hunter,
Brave hunter,
To comb my hair,
To wash my face,
To cut my nails,
To strike a pose,
To clear my voice.
Let the children see
Blue bunny,
Funny bunny,
Unique in this world!

Dropped a bunny from the bag
But he got no comb,
But he got no wash,
Nor he cut his nails,
Nor he stroke a pose,
Nor clears his voice.
He ran instead, oh misfortune,
to the world’s end, alas trouble!
Blue bunny,
Funny bunny,
Unique in this world!

Dušan Radović

Another Dušan, by the surname Petričić, made a cartoon about the Blue Bunny, and called it a Blue Rabbit. I hope you wouldn’t mind my, slightly different translation, I am not a poet, and English is not my native language. But you can go to this page and have another English translation, and a German one:


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Universal Basic Income


Lepe slike, to su nasi buduci glumci. :P

That kid with the pistol is freaking me out!
I'm going to see how much of this I can translate into Serbian and I get to check it against your other post!!!

Нема на чему, @tarotbyfergus :)