
Welcome to steemit! enjoy it here
I wish you the best! and hope to see you soon.

Thank you @alanphamta ...
I follow you and of course we will see you soon ;)

Photos from:

In order to prevent identity theft, identity deception of all types, and content theft we like to encourage users that have an online identity, post for a website or blog, are creators of art and celebrities of all notoriety to verify themselves. Verified users tend to receive a better reception from the community.

Any reasonable verification method is accepted. Examples include:

  • A post or tweet on an established Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or other social media account with a link to your contribution on Steemit.
  • A reference or link to your Steemit account on your website or blog.

Thank you! ⚜

I dont understant this kind of flaging and blacklisting my photos!!! You are saying that i cant have a blog with dresses promo?!!! And i have to use my real name only because you say ?!!! I dont have to aprove nothing!!! If you habe problems with my photos ok flag me... if you feel beter flaging people.. just do it. I feel offended by this memo ...
I think that jealousy prevails here ... or is a way to hurt those who can be successful.
Anyway ... if it works so I must be part of this false.
Who fell better flagin ... do it. Good luck to flag persons.. good bye

You don't have to use your real name, you can have a blog that shows you in all the dresses you want. However, if you are going to claim to be someone with thousands of social media followers and post pictures of that person you should try to prove in some way that you are actually that person.

You could do it on a post on any of the social media platforms you use or simply take a picture holding a sign that says steemit on it and post it here.

 7 years ago (edited) 

And i delete my photos from here ...
If you can close my account.

You have to apologize for going back here

Welcome to Steemit you are a very beautiful Lady :)


I have to give a big kiss to all of you that follow and upvoted me! I follow you all .
A big thanks 😉😉😘😘😘

Welcome to steemit!

Thank you ;) im follow you now :*

You are gorgeous. And the photos are amazingly beautiful

Thanks :)i follow you but i need support... upvotes resteem and follow me ;)

Nice Picture and beautiful.
Welcome and nice to meet you.
Please follow me @patricksanlin and upvote. Thanks

Thank you... i follow you and you upvote me ,)

See you around. Let support each other.

welcome here Ludmilla :) Nice post, i will follow your account, please follow me at @khunfarang

Thanks you ;) i follow you and i need upvotes ;)

I love your post and the pictures thank you for posting.

Elrond Huston Aka ehuston

Thank you very much... i waiting for more upvotes and resteem for people know me. See you ;)

Hello @ludmilla. Welcome to Steemit. I am David. I wish you have a happy journey here.

Thank you ;)

Hi ludmilla nice to meet you.

Nice ludmilla. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks ;)

Welcome and join at steemit. Hopefully you'll be happier with us at steemit ... You have beautiful photos that make me Marvel ... Greetings from Aceh, indonesia

I like steemit but i need more support from all you... i need more upvotes and resteem ;)
Thank you

Very nice photos! Followed and upvoted.

Thank you so much 😘
I follow you too

I like

Thanks 😉


😉 😘

Welcome to steemit ! I hope you enjoy it here like I'm doing and wish u a good luck on this platform !!

Thank you very much :) i need support from you ;)

welcome to steemit, nice post , i wish you the best and follow back please

Great photos, Ludmilla, upvoted your post:)

Tahnk you :)

beautiful and hot photos @ludmila :)

Hmm, delicious @ludmilla! Welcome to Steemit!

NIce pics, I followed you!

Beautiful photographs. You're very photogenic. :)

Welcome to a Steemit. New member here.

This post received a 2.0% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @bitcoinfree! For more information, click here!

You are very sexy!

Welcome to steemit @ludmilla! Let me know if you have any crypto related questions, I am happy to help :)

So beautiful !

Come find me if you can verify this is really you.

!cheetah ban

I have placed you on @cheetah's blacklist. If you would like for me to consider removing you from the list:

  • Review the abuse guide here.
  • Check the pinned messages in the #steemitabuse-appeals channel for information what your appeal post should contain.
  • Post, comment & show me you wish to be an active part of the steemit community in good standing for at least 10 days prior to asking me for an appeal.
  • Contact @patrice with a link to your appeal in the #steemitabuse-appeals channel.
  • After reviewing your appeal and posting history I may remove you at my discretion.

Anyone practicing identity theft or deception, do not waste my time or yours asking for an appeal. I have zero tolerance.

If you have previously been granted an appeal, ditto.

Do not harass myself or other members of @steemcleaners as it will not further your cause and you will be ignored.

Okay, I have banned @ludmilla.

Warning! This user is on my black list, likely as a known plagiarist, spammer or ID thief. Please be cautious with this post!
To get off this list, please chat with us in the #steemitabuse-appeals channel in

Welcome to Steemit! You will rock here! Followed. Follow me back 😘