The Man Behind Rodney Torres Photography

in #photography6 years ago


Is 40 years age too late to be a photographer? Do you know who Rodney Torres is?

Well, think of a 40 years old man or a woman, who has earlier been a business person? The answer might be a little tricky for you. Well, allow us to make it simple. Rodney Torres is a practical example that age does not matter. What matters is if you have the skills or not to show in this challenging field of photography.

Rodney says that people usually ask him the same question frequently about where he has been hiding all these years. He always says that there is a right time for everything and for him to enter the photography scene, this was the right time.

Beginning of the career as travel photographer:

He stepped into this industry a few years back. Rodney likes to travel and so does his wife. They used to take photographs while on their tours abroad. He states that he always loved to take long exposure photographs.

It enables the person to come up with several technical settings as well as creative design to capture the perfect moments out of the photographs. This was when he fell in love with photography and hence, devoted a balanced time to his business, family and being a photographer.

Being a fine art paint maker:

In the year 2011, Rodney brought giclee print technology to his home country, the Philippines. Prior to this, he was disappointed with the prints he had developed using different print labs in Manila. However, he did not give up. He searched for the gallery-worthy photographic prints during his travels abroad.

Ultimately, he discovered giclee which is a large format fine art printing process that conveys the realism of life as well as depth in the printed photography. These printouts turned out to be vibrant as well as fade resistant. These prints using this technology expected to last for a lifetime.

Shift to capturing the living beings:

In the middle of 2017, Rodney shifted his focus from travel photography to portrait and fashion photography. He states that Giclee Manila needs to show more variety and come up with print portfolios of people and not just still life like landmarks or landscapes. More and more people were making use of this technique to get their family portraits and etc.

He decided to add people portrait prints as part of his company’s portfolio.
He was hired by VIVA films as well as VIVA Artists Agency to shoot the official movie poster of the controversial film, "Jacqueline Comes Home". It was based on a real-life story of the Chiong sisters who belonged to Cebu City back in the year 1997.

Some people have been comparing his work with the paintings of European master painters such as Vermeer, Rembrandt, and the others from the Dutch master’s reign. One question that arises is “What is next for this Rodney Torres and his photography career?”One thing we can be sure of is that photographer Rodney Torres will have a real bright future in the photography scene.