Tips for recycling plastic bottles

in #photography2 years ago


This is obella, an earth-loving person who shares the experiences and knowledge gained in the joy of knowing and the experience gained in the small everyday.

There is a lot of plastic in households these days, right? Before separating it and throwing it away, I played with my son one more time recycling the used waste and playing at home.

Ulmaizu watched the video. I really want to do it today, so I am going to make a water purifier with a plastic bottle, although it is not a water purifier with a purification function using the waste I have at home.

Make a real water purifier with a plastic bottle (elephant water purifier).

Today's game at home with your child is to make a water purifier. In the video, I saw that they made a water purifier that simply puts real water or drinks in a plastic bottle and makes it come out.

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Our Maiju wants to do it, so we'll get an idea from the video and recycle the waste to make a real water purifier out of plastic bottles.

The process of making a water purifier that comes out with real water from a plastic bottle.

Materials: PET bottle (500 ml water bottle), crumpled straw, glue gun, disposable coffee cup to go (paper cup and plastic cup), colored paper, magic, stone.
Make a hole in the plastic bottle you drank and fix the straw 2.

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Using a glue gun, make sure that the holes and perforated straws in the plastic bottle are securely attached and that no water leaks out.

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  1. Decorate a water purifier made from plastic bottles to make a water purifier.

The water purifier we made is an elephant water purifier that comes out of the elephant's nose. I will make the body of the elephant water purifier using disposable paper coffee cups and plastic coffee cups.

Make a hole the size of the bottle cap. Paper cups are used to wrap plastic bottles.

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The plastic coffee cup will act as a support and ensure proper height. Adjust the water cup to a height that can fit underneath.

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I just put it on and it's so light underneath that I think I'm going to fall off. So I put the stones on the house so it's firmly fixed.

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We also make skirts that cover the messy areas using strips of wrapping paper we have at home.

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Now, I made the elephant's face, ears and the most important point, the elephant's nose, using colored papers. I also covered the straw where the water came out of, and it made a cute elephant water purifier.

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When you want to drink cold water, you can drink cool water by filling a plastic bottle with water and placing it in the refrigerator with only the body.

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✔ How the water comes out : the outside air is heavier than the inside air, so it blocks the water from coming out. When you open the lid of the plastic bottle, air goes into the bottle and water comes out through the straw.
Dodorella, an earth loving person, made it today with recycled scraps, it was a real water purifier made with plastic bottles. It was a fun home cooking set that I even decorated with an elephant water purifier with my maichu.