Photography: Substantial run off from all the Storms has created new wetlands in the forest.

in #photography4 years ago (edited)

Some large ponds from all the rain storms. The frogs will love it.

But so will the mosquitoes

Usually ....



This area is nice and dry.


Some thick moss on the driveway ... amazing to walk on with bare feet.


We spent the day clearing fallen trees from the forest. Some good cedar and birch firewood.

For some strange reason there were no mosquitos while we were doing this work. Anyone else notice fewer flies this year out on Lake Superior ?

It is very strange. Maybe with so many humans in quarantine there is less blood for all those bugs.... ????

This requires further investigation ...

Here are some of the Cedar logs we cut from the fallen trees...



This is a slice of Cedar that looks like a Man in the Moon... I will carve out more features. Stay tuned for more.



Beautiful scenery , but walking through the forest like that will get you lots of mosquito bites, as you said. Also I speak from experience : D

Yes.... have to cover up out there for sure.

I really hate it when water accumulates like that. Too many mosquitoes.

It's rain season where I live. And water accumulates in small patches in my garden. Too many mosquitoes.

Anyway, we gotta accept the nature as it comes🙂

Yep.... we needed the rain. Everything is green again.

That's nice.

Cool photos, and a lovely forest to roam around. But then those pesky mosquitoes are coming out to get you. 🙃

Posted using Dapplr

Thanks. They weren’t too bad so far.

Ah, bless you. Given the fairly rainy weather over here lately, I'm having loads of these invade my apartment. Somehow, these damned mosquitoes are able to fly 8 floors up, not to mention we're on a rather tall-ish hill!

Wonderful 😀👍

cool post, but I diagree with the payout (currently at 25.25) as you posted mainly 4 pics; is it okay if I downvote it 🤔?

Sure why not.... I’m here to share my photos and artwork. It’s a Free World. I’m posting from my iPhone from way up north, swarmed by mosquitos.... so not always easy to type a lot of text. I have been on Steem / Hive since 2017

alright, appreciate your hard work and you have some really cool posts! Love the clouds here ;)

Yeah.... my photos and art work seem to always be of Clouds.... I guess I love the clouds. I should have entered that one in your contest. I will paint some more clouds from the kayak as soon as the water calms down out here. I appreciate your support on all my posts.

beautiful photos, dear friend! Congrats

Thank you very much.