Some beautiful puffy clouds in the sky today

in #photography4 years ago (edited)

A beautiful and very hot summer day up here along the Rideau River.

Will definitely have to make a few paintings from these. I will do a few watercolours, oils and probably several practice sketches on my iPad.

Hope you’re having a great summer wherever you are .... locked in or Social Distancing out in Nature.

I prefer to be outdoors whenever possible. There is always a little shade to be found.




Even had a bit of a sun shower while taking these ones.... I could not find the rainbow though.


I think these are poplar trees in the distance.



These are indeed some wonderful clouds, and an amazing scenery to be surrounded with. Would be nice to just lay back here, and sketch around on the iPad, eh?

It’s so hot though... better to take a few quick photos from my bike and paint later. Will do these ones for sure though.

I get you, mate. Sometimes I see wonderful clouds and a great day outside, but I absolutely refuse to leave the comforts of air-conditioning! It's summer right now over there, right?

Yep .... middle of summer

Pretty hot times, eh? I've never had the joys, and pains of having to adapt to seasons. Malaysia has only one season - tropical summer. Hot and humid XD