
Nice photo, I have been to clear water many of times but I've never heard of sand key beach I will have to check it out next time I go there.

Yeah, it is just south of clearwater beach. There are a lot less people than clearwater beach which makes it more attractive

It´s a spectacular image. Very good

Wow. Beautifull post

Wow. That's so cool! Where did you make this? :)

Thanks! This is Sand Key Beach in Clearwater, Florida

Ah! Thanks!

bella esa foto/ so cute the picture

Great sky. I clicked upvote.

OMG! Very beauty.

This is just lovely and such a blessing in my feed. Thank you. Happy to be following you from Chiang Mai, Thailand, and look forward to more.

Wow, look at those colours!

amigo te apoyo y te sigo buenas imagenes

Waw. Great photo. I keep similar sky but orange in my album. A moment to treasure.

Wowww! Very nice picture! Purple is my favorite color, this is amazing!

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que buen color! felicidades

There is a lot of beauty in nature to discover if people will take the time to discover them.

Well said! i completely agree

very beauty!


Very nice shot!

and even if I see this pic upside down, it's still amazing

Good photo, taken at the right time

nice photo
let's make friends and follow and vote each other

Beautiful purple :D

I love those colors

linda foto@outofsteem

First i thought thats snow down there, wonderful clouds!