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RE: The Machine Is Not Dead, Blog, New Digital Art and Photography

in #photographylast month

USDA Approves Plant Grown Meat Protein
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has approved the sale of lab-grown meat protein, also known as cultivated meat or clean meat. This means that companies can now produce and sell meat products that are grown from animal cells, rather than from traditional animal slaughter. This approval is a significant breakthrough for the industry, which has been working to develop sustainable and humane alternatives to traditional meat production.

The USDA’s approval of lab-grown meat protein is expected to have a significant impact on the food industry, as it opens up new opportunities for companies to develop and market new products. It is also expected to provide consumers with more choices and options for sustainable and humane meat products.

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Alas there is nothing sustainable about mono-cultures. A tilled field is a field on life support. A field full of animals and biodiversity is self-sustaining, provided the animals are not allowed to over-graze.