Hidden Colors in Office Still Life - own work

in #photography8 years ago

hidden colors

A polarizing filter can bring some beautiful color out of every day clear plastic, especially when you're working with slide film. Click the image to make it bigger.

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wow. you made something ordinary look really cool.

yeah I would have never guessed the objects of the photo from the thumbnail

Thanks tuck!

It's the little things in life...

That's a really cool image. I'm a fan of photos and really all the visual arts. I am a filmmaker and blogger. I'll soon post a video of myself talking about film I think, if I can brave the camera!

Thanks :)

i suggest a better tag: #pfunkyphotos


You well done! Beautiful work, I would like to myself such)
Вы молодец! Красивая работа , я хотела бы себе такую)


Took me a while to see what I was looking at. Looks cool though.

woow that's really amazing work you did
keep up the good work

Thank you mosab

Another great shot @pfunk, have never used a polarizing filter but the depth in these colors are amazing. Nice work!