Pitch and Putt, Wednesday Walk Blog, New Digital Art and Photography

in #photography11 months ago

Pitch and Putt Wednesday Walk

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It was another gorgeous day. Too gorgeous to be inside. We broke the rules of engagement and headed out for our physical activity before completing our academic studies. I wanted to get in another round of pitch and putt before everyone and their dog, horse, and goose headed out, and we got stuck in a long line and then felt the pressure to play fast and not take our time and learn. Be robbed the joy of sinking it.

It was also a great day for a #wednesdaywalk, actually being Wednesday, and golf a great way to accomplish the steps


The stroll to the Stanley Park Pitch and Putt from our digs is a lovely one on a sunny day, lots of trees and water. (I'll capture the water next time. Not like Aqua-man but Cousteau). You never know what you might see. I told you there'd be horses. Today it was the Mounted Patrol of the Vancouver Police. Be careful where you step and watch for road apples.


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The fairways and greens were nothing short of dreamy today. The dogwood trees had bloomed and their petals were drifting through a sublime breeze and littering the grass like shed ruffles.

I think ruffled grass is frowned upon in golf courses proper and flowering bushes not emphasized where memberships are hefty and handicaps serious, but it sure is pretty in the cheap stakes for us lightweights.


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Minime certainly wasn't complaining that he got to play before he had to figure some algebra. A growing boy and aspiring golf-pro needs his vitamin D, and he does love his walking and contrary to popular opinion golf is [not] a good walk ruined but a slow walker a hole in front of you can turn the afternoon into something resembling purgatory for the impatient over-achiever.


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As per directives, I made a point of looking down to discover some lovely daisies that the hordes of Canada Geese that call downtown Vancouver home hadn't had the chance to gobble up yet. Perhaps it is the risk of a golf ball to the gullet that keeps the long next hissing cobra chickens at bay and their dropping elsewhere. Believe me. It's a struggle to find a patch of grass anywhere else without their sky nuggets limiting the clean tuffets for your muffet.


I noticed too I wasn't the only one keeping a keen look out. The trees also had eyes. Hollow eyes.

Is it just me or does it seem to be stuck in a forever shout of FORE!!!


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It was my second game in more than ten years and minime's second game full stop, and I was pleased at how we did. I managed to par a couple holes and was getting efficient at making the green in a single stroke. Minime was pretty much hitting by himself and only needed some help off the tee. It was great to see how happy he got when he made a putt. That in itself makes the trip out more than worth it, though Minime was shocked to find out that I actually like algebra more than golf.


I consider it a privilege to watch him improve at the game and his Math, bit by bit. I am a lucky Mommy to spend these days with him.

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Words and Images are my own.

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Awesome walk with cooling shade in the park, and a lot or rosehips and petals to watch. Let me share some Hive !BEER as an extra coolant agent xD

You found a nice day to be Oot and Aboot, indeed. I used to play the game - poorly - with my oldest children when they played. I was awful, but it was fun. Now I'm thinking it might be time to pull out the clubs again.

It is absolute great way to spend time with those you love. In some ways it is better when everyone is middling:)