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RE: Birthday Week Blog, New Digital Art and Photography, Revisited Poetry, Spoken Word, and Fiction.

in #photography2 years ago

Thank you, Quill. Yes all that is conscious. As are the longer sentences that are found occasionally. A bullet sentence will create a very strong image or feeling within the mind. Give thoughts a chance to catch up. I want the story to be accessible to younger readers with maybe shorter attention spans and varying reading level. It is not meant to be a challenging read or show-offy. LOL.The longer sentences lull or can give a feeling that the story is 'speeding up' or the scene is filling in, depending on whether it is descriptive or narrative.

Whether the sentence is long or short, sparse or poetically descriptive, each word should be deliberate. So, in that way I agree with Hemingway; though with the exception of the Old Man and the Sea and Kilmanjaro, I have found his writing too clinical and lacking in believable characterization and feeling.

That said, the Wisp is meant to be primarily for enjoyment and not an exemplar of my more literary attempts at writing. I do NOT place it on par with Hemingway's works.

Gutter Dog which is in Strays is a homage of sorts to Papa Ernesto and Cuba. The feed back from that is generally very flattering and the suggestion is that it is rather 'literary'.