Under the Distant and Heavenly, New Poetry, Digital Art and Photography, Feed on Minuscule Things, Poetry Revisited, Tao Poetry Revisited

in #photography3 years ago

Under the Distant and Heavenly

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corolla unravelled
her secrets
coming undone

there is a type of preservation
that comes with being tightly bound

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by a sky alight

vapoured with lemons
charred with peaches
a la flambé

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there is little time
for a child of the earth
to glisten with dew
before she expires
from over-exertion

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petals fallen
from reaching
beyond her grasp

her glistening waned
forgotten and ashen

under the cold, dark radiance
of the distant and heavenly


Feed on Minuscule Things

dainty feet
upon compact sand
pressure, small but felt
by the smaller creatures
of the near-deep

they share kinship
with Aphrodite
but not her form
both, born from shell
destined to be consumed


like the courtship
of Hades and Persephone
tides cut existence in two

the warmth of the sun
comes with the day-horror
of beaks and clam-diggers

until the fickle moon
returns the heavy blanket
cold, wet, and dark

the smaller creatures
of the near-deep
feed on even more
minuscule things




No two physical manifestations
Embody the Tao
Like air and water
Quenching and giving breath
By merely being present

In the beginning we were immersed
We knew no other existence
We moved as water moved
There was no one way, no another
Always at one with the Tao

Then we learnt of land
In comparison water was soft and impermanent
Land offered solid footing
With the sun above, direction
Choice, duality

We did not escape the water
We brought it with us
It lies in every cell
Much like the teachings of a kind master
Remains in the heart of his pupil

Now to air …

The softest of thing
The quietest of thing
Invisible … heard and felt only on the wind
Wielded by the hand of time
Like water, invincible

No mountain is invincible
It is a façade
With time, water, and wind
All will be made small

The master understands
Remains soft, supple, and present
With no eye to ends

Existing for the life
That surrounds and flows through her
As such greatness flows to and through her

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Words and Images are my own.

Under the Distant and Heavenly was first published today.

Feed on Minuscule Things is published in Monsters, Avatars, and Angels.

Click on any title below to further explore and support my writing.







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Nice nature photography.

Thank you:)