
Yes for sure it is, if one could understand it 😁

This might seem weird but I think I might like not understanding it. So much of what art critics and people say about art, photography etc. is just irritating. Not all of it and I do love some of what I find out.

Well, it doesn’t matter what language people speak, most are irritating anyways 😂😅

One of the weirdest things is the artist talking about their work and then the critics pov. I saw a documentary on Yves Saint Laurent and to hear him talk about his work was an eye opener. He was certain it was all crap and would fail miserably and after every big show he was done. Over. Finished. That's it there's nothing more. He was sooooo French. Chain smoking those Gauloise cigs... In some ways he was so vulnerable and even fragile. The difference between him the artist and the business people was glaringly obvious.

Did you know I'm Canadian? Yep! So I must apologise for being so annoying. Apologising and being "nice" It's a Canadian thing we do. People often mistake it for weakness... I admit it's a confusing trait that makes it hard for me to write in a sense. So I will try to shut up and stop pestering 🤣