Photos That Show The Magnificence of Our Planet

in #photography6 years ago

Sometimes we get stuck in our daily routine, and we forget how big and incredible our world is. We’re so lucky to have certain people who can remind us of it. Photographers wait for hours, sometimes even days, holding their cameras and trying to catch the right moment. They take thousands of photos to choose the best one among them. 

I have collected some photos from great & talented Photographers who captured the scenes perfectly at the right time.

Sunset in the Faroe Islands 

Source:  © Wojciech Kruczyński/National Geographic 

An orangutan is hiding behind a tree while crossing the River Borneo, which is teeming with crocodiles. 

Source:  © Jayaprakash Joghee Bojan/National Geographic 

The sun in Dushanzi Grand Canyon, China 

Source:  © Yuhan Liao/National Geographic 

Caribbean pink flamingos are feeding their nestlings. 

© Alejandro Prieto/National Geographic 

Do you liked these photos from talented photographers? Which one was the best? Please let me know in comments
