My Old Darkroom Equipment

in #photography6 years ago

I can't believe nobody bought my old black and white darkroom equipment yesterday. We're having a yard sale this weekend, it's only $20 for two enlargers and everything you need to start printing. Nobody seems interested in printing black and white prints anymore, myself included, haha! I haven't used it in more than 16 years.



I wonder if @victorbz would be interested in these?
Tho a long way to go for a yard sale :-)

I was eyeballing those fish tanks yesterday 🐟
Be fun mailing those eh!

Nooo! Don't make me ship it, haha! The tanks still haven't sold either... only $5 each. Oh well... Hope you're having a great day!

Dang only 5 bucks! On my way only 3000 some miles to go lol
Going good here ☀ Have a great day @scottshots!

Thank you and see you in a few! Haha!

thank you for the mention. i really love to have all this stuff but too far and to heavy to send it by Air :-)

This looks like a old science equipment :)

Well, it pretty much is haha! You'd have to learn about chemistry and light...

Haha...back to school :)

you're not right - there are many modern artists who stopped using digital cameras and returned back to the film and home printing.
there is large #believeinfilm and #filmisnotdead at Twitter with a huge activity.
i really want all this but - the weight is a problem - to pay not for a product but just for the weight is not a good idea. :-))
i'm living in Israel

You are right. I posted it on facebook and now a photographer friend is on his way to pick it up. Sorry it's not cost efficient to send to Israel but it's going to a good home. :)

i'm happy about this ! say Hi from the film photographer from Israel :-)

Cool, and will do!

wow great one old equipment photography.

It was fun to use back in the day.

Nice. I used to have a darkroom in a shed behind our house growing up as a kid.

Just costs so much for the paper and chemicals these days.

Very cool! My dad did some darkroom work in our bathroom when I was a kid. I had the small enlarger set up for a while in my bathroom around the time my son was born. Fun to do but yup, pricey and too slow for my needs these days.