How do you justify use of atomic bombs by US?



In a conversation with my friends, use of atomic bomb was brought up and 4 out of 5 somehow said that it was necessary at that time.

What do you think? Why it was necessary?


Well the Tokyo firebombing used 2000 tones of incendiary weapons and killed between 80-130k innocent civilians. The real question should be how does anyone justify indiscriminate bombing that kills 100k plus civilians? Events like this had been going on for years and had failed to sway the emperor into surrender. Over 60 Japanese cities had been subject to similar firebombing. The bombing of Hiroshima killed 80k instantly; so it was about the same scale as the Tokyo fire bombing. Contrary to popular belief it was not a step up in terms of destruction, it was simply a step down in required munitions required to cause that amount of destruction (one plane not thousands of bombers). The shock factor alone after Hiroshima and Nagasaki (single plane per city) was enough to lead to the surrender. So I guess on those grounds people say it was justifiable. The reality is that without the surrender all of Japans remaining cities would have simply been fire bombed out of existence. The real question is why was carpet bombing of cities allowed to become the 'norm' for both sides in WWII (in both theaters of war Pacific and Europe).

Dan Carlin has a great podcast episode on this very topic ; I highly recommend his work if your interested in history.

Also an article on how people (outside Japan) have forgotton about the firebombings due to the massive publicity of the nuclear attacks (which were only two cities, compared to 60 firebombed).

That is shocking, I checked the link, didn't know about that. I did a little bit of search, apparently some of those bombings were after those atomic bombs.

It's also interesting that USSR, China and US fought Japan together.

I searched and only Japanese attack on US that I found was attack on pearl harbor. Is that right?

It's shocking and ridiculous at the same time.

WMD's are insanely inhumane, the fear of them supersedes their physical capability.

The only weapon of mass destruction that I can justify is a truth bomb.

Sure they are, I don't know how people can do anything about it. Though as long as so many people find it reasonable to use those kind of bomb, I guess nothing can be done.

Hard to create a truth bomb while major media are controlled by USA.

There are angry mobs protesting online (Bill Gates, on Instagram), and eventually they will be on the streets.

You'd be amazed how angry people get when they can't move or speak freely, especially if they are unable to eat.

This plandemic may end up backfiring, have to wait and see.

Checked bill gates page, I said about bockchain, in one of my post, that blockchain is most probably going toward dictatorship with no one known, in charge of it, I guess same goes for what's happening now, bill gates is probably just a player, the real dictatorship hides somewhere else.

Though I try not to go deep into these subjects, they're like a well with no end.

Yeah, we should wait and see.

I agree.

Bill is happy to be the puppet, as are all the others.

Especially orange man, he will eat his own excrement and call it delicious, with a smile.

Its a comedy of useful idiots, just remember to stay out of the line of fire when someone decides to have a bad day.