Short updates from a short Dutch trip #14

in #photography3 years ago


One of the most vivid memories I will hold of Deventer are the countless and countless of benches I found in front of their houses!

It seems such a natural sight but I don't know of any place in The Netherlands where I've seen so many benches in front of houses.

Why is this? Did a few people start, inspiring a full street to do this, then the next street, and then in the end the whole town followed by example?

I have no idea, but it was a huge trend for sure.

Not just that - all the flowers, pots, plants decorating the house fronts were amazing, and really made me feel like this city and its inhabitants were full of pride - showing off how much they enjoyed living here.


Cozy & picturesque :)

@tipu curate

That's so lovely. I would love to sit and drink something. Perhaps, municipality put them upon requests by residents. In my town if you request, they might settle one in your garden, but I think not for everyone.

unique and beautiful house

Lovely sight indeed. Are those benches private or can strangers walking by sit in them? Also, I wonder if those homes have gardens at the back.. if not, could this be a way of creating some kind of outdoor green space for themselves? 🤔

I was thinking this same thing then saw your comment!! Would love to know if people walking by can sit in them or the are a little garden like space for the people living there!!!

That greenery is lovely and isn't it nice to think that people would sit outside and talk to their neighbors?!? That seems to be lost in today's world.