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RE: Photos of my mother's garden July 9th, 2018

in #photography6 years ago

Cobalt blue is such an awesome color, that and blood red. A task for you to meditate on cobalt blue and see yourself healed inside that warm color, see it as so, believe it and claim is as yours.


That's an excellent idea for a meditation, Steven - thanks so much! Yep, Ruby Red and Cobalt Blue are two of my all time favorite colors. I have a ton of blue glass in the house right now, and always meant to get some red too... maybe some day...

When the doctors started telling me I had cancer the thought in my mind was NO! I don't accept that, I rebuke it, in the name of Jesus, No!

Satan and his demons came after me with a vengeance and the thoughts of suicide plaqued me for weeks. I was essentially homeless and no one around to lean on. The home owner of the house I was working on was kind enough to let me stay there and I found myself consoled by the screeching of my osprey friends and the hooting of the owl.

I remember one night praying saying "Jesus, your word says that you will provide a comforter in the Holy Spirit, please send that spirit upon me". That night the great horned owl and I had a wonderful conversation for hours in a fog of marijuana and smoke from fresh picked sage tied into a smudge stick.

I think of you often in your plight and just want you to know He loves you and so also do I. With faith mountains can be moved. Know too you are in my prayers to receive a miracle of healing by the resurrection power of God. Claim it, claim your inheritance as heir to that same power so that one day we may both walk the streets of gold.

With heart felt love.
Your reformed warlock friend.

Thanks so much for this, Steven, and my apologies for being so late with a reply. I greatly appreciate all your prayers, and the sharing of your story. I'm so happy that you found something that speaks to your soul. just as I have - we might have different names for the power behind the miracles, and different ways of praying, but I know in my heart that they come from the same place. Bright blessings to you, my friend. 💜