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RE: My first and my last Photo... / Mein erstes und mein letztes Foto...

in #photography5 years ago

Well glad that even though exhausted you got some great shots, I am feeling Exhausted myself today for some reason, done not much at all apart from watching a couple of movies with my wioife and some things around the house, which could be good as I have a busy day at work tomorrow

Take care my Friend

Cheers and !DERANGEd !BEER


Ah, I almost forgot that tomorrow begins a new work week ;) lol
Doing housework or work around the house is often harder than climbing a mountain 😉

Wish you a nice sunday JJ 🙂


LOL What I did today was definitely less than climbing a mountain LOL a total chill day and not even that much photo editing to be honest

Have a great week ahead


😉 I think you did a lot more than you say 😉

I wish you a great week too and hope it won't be as !DERANGED busy as you said.


Ohh no I really didn’t do much at all

In the train in now and when I get to the city a quick rush to the office straight to a video conference and back to back meetings till 11:30 a short break then two more
But it may be !DERANGED busy but will make the day go fast

Cheers and !BEER

May your day go even faster, but easy with all these meetings 🙂


Ohh it will go faster for four of the meetings today I used too take the lead, but now will let my colleague who works with me and will take over when I leave take the lead its hard but i am trying to sit quietly and say nothing in these meetings LOL


He seems to be a bit slower than you, what is certainly hard for you, but from march on he will have to do it alone and you won't need to be there anymore. Until then he can only learn from you, what he hasn't learned already ... maybe more speed?


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deranged You just received DERANGED @johannpiber Keep up the great work, view all your tokens at

Hey @johannpiber, here is a little bit of BEER from @tattoodjay for you. Enjoy it!

deranged You just received DERANGED @tattoodjay Keep up the great work, view all your tokens at

Hey @tattoodjay, here is a little bit of BEER from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!

deranged You just received DERANGED @johannpiber Keep up the great work, view all your tokens at

Hey @johannpiber, here is a little bit of BEER from @tattoodjay for you. Enjoy it!

deranged You just received DERANGED @tattoodjay Keep up the great work, view all your tokens at

Hey @tattoodjay, here is a little bit of BEER from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!

deranged You just received DERANGED @johannpiber Keep up the great work, view all your tokens at

Hey @johannpiber, here is a little bit of BEER from @tattoodjay for you. Enjoy it!

deranged You just received DERANGED @tattoodjay Keep up the great work, view all your tokens at

Hey @tattoodjay, here is a little bit of BEER from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!