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RE: Field Trip: Springfield Conservation Nature Center [10 photos of trails, trees, and fungi + commentary and additional resources]

in #photography8 years ago

I heard they were going to allow an archery hunt to limit some of the population of deer this year. I'm going to have to drive out there before the season is over.


@tltran Are they going to close the CNC for all of bow season? That seems odd. Plus, those deer in there are far from "wild," and I understand wanting to thin the population, but that doesn't seem like much of a "hunt" to me, if you know what I mean. They're everywhere and they're not scared of people like Whitetail usually are.

It is only over the course of 2 days and what they call a managed hunt so they draw a number (in this case 5) of applicants that are allowed to hunt on their property using specified equipment. It is in December and my guess is they will only be permitted to hunt at certain hours on those days.